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Audio File Health Check, Error: redundant trailing nil(s)
NicoPostOctober 19, 2019, 08:59
Posts: 6
May 3, 2015, 13:20
Normal topicAudio File Health Check, Error: redundant trailing nil(s)

I have many many error messages of this kind:
text string contains redundant trailing nil(s)

I know how to fix the errors with Yate's Action but now I would like to understand what this message is about. Could somebody please explain the message with a few non-professional words? Thanks

2MR2PostOctober 19, 2019, 09:31
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Posts: 2083
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicRe: Audio File Health Check, Error: redundant trailing nil(s)

Many programming languages, (although not most modern ones), terminate strings of text with a single binary 0 character. This enabled you determine where the text string ended. The ID3 specification (mp3, aiff, etc.) does not require trailing nils (0) as the encoding either has a length for the text field or the text continues until the end of the frame. In fact the ID3 specification states that a nil character is used to separate values in fields which allow multiple values.

As an example a genre of 'Blues' with a trailing nil is stored as:


The trailing 0 is not required and is technically out-of-spec.

Many early producers and taggers of ID3 based files placed nils at the end of text fields. This is typically benign as modern players and taggers simply ignore them.

Yate does not put trailing nils in and it removes them whenever a file is written.

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