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Edit File Name
tortuga_BobPostDecember 22, 2019, 17:53
Posts: 12
December 22, 2019, 22:39
Normal topicEdit File Name

Is there a simple way to edit a file name within Yate? I tried the Rename File & Folder feature but, honestly, I have no idea what that is doing but it is not what I want.

2MR2PostDecember 22, 2019, 18:09
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicRe: Edit File Name

Rename File & Folder is simply applying a Rename template to selected files. All renaming in Yate is performed via a template. The Preferences Rename section is where these templates are defined and documented. There is even a Preview functionality so that templates can be tested without actually doing any renaming.

In the Documentation section of the Resources web page (accessible on the Help menu) there is a document named 'Renaming and Restructuring Files and Folders' which provides additional information.

The Templates section of the Resources web page has a download called 'Twenty common rename templates'.

Yate can rename your files however you want. It is even possible to use actions to construct complicated templates on the fly. If you describe how you want your files to be named we can certainly provide a template for you which you can use as an example.

tortuga_BobPostDecember 22, 2019, 18:26
Posts: 12
December 22, 2019, 22:39
Normal topicRe: Edit File Name

I have a CD rip and the database from which the CD info was taken has two tracks with the order switched (apparently Roon is using the same database info). The file names had the form of track number - track name, e.g., 09 - Prelude.m4a, 10 - Tara.m4a; should actually be 09 - Tara.m4a, 10 - Prelude.m4a. It was easy to adjust the track numbering in Yate but I had to resort to using the Mac Finder to adjust the file names. Granted this may be too simple an edit for the intended use of Yate but editing individual track information is easy so I was surprised that I could not find a simple and quick way to edit file name. Thanks.

2MR2PostDecember 22, 2019, 18:46
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicRe: Edit File Name

Typically Tara or Prelude would be in the Title field. If that was the case the rename could have been done by the built in template named Track2-Title. I've you ensured that the title fields had the correct metadata, invoking that template would have given you what you want.

People use all kinds of complicated filenames. Many include sample rate, year, and a wide variety of useful and weird information. Templates are constructed by appending various metadata fields separated by text. That's an oversimplification as the templates can also test for empty fields and do things such as duplicate protection. For example the 'Track2-Title' template rakes care of the case where a file of the required name already exists.

As most people have one or more rigid definitions as to how they name their files, there is no 'manually edit the name' function. The name's components are supplied in metadata or programmatically via an action for those truly complicated situations where a template simply will not suffice. However, it is possible for Yate to display a panel where you could manually edit the filename and then to perform the renaming. It's simply not all that useful over a large number of files.

You can preview the effects of renaming via the 'Track2-Title' template directly from the Preferences-Rename section. Even better you can do it directly in the token editor which is displayed when you edit a template.

Hopefully this helps.

tortuga_BobPostDecember 22, 2019, 18:54
Posts: 12
December 22, 2019, 22:39
Normal topicRe: Edit File Name

OK, thanks. I will look into your suggestions. Yate is very powerful and full featured but it takes some time to grasp it all.

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