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Beatport - Mix Names
squanceyPostMarch 23, 2021, 04:01
Posts: 8
December 22, 2019, 13:27
Normal topicBeatport - Mix Names

I got excited with the Beatport update in the latest release.

But with electronic tracks most of the titles include a mix name ie "Extended Mix" or "Deadmaus Remix" and therefore if just searching on the title it doesn't find the correct mix

How can the Beatport search handle these ?

2MR2PostMarch 23, 2021, 10:57
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Posts: 2083
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicBeatport - Mix Names

This is also due to a change in the way the data is presented and evidently stored on Beatport. Prior to the new API, searches would return a title which contained the mix name. This is no longer the case and the mix name is a separate field.

In other words Yate searches for Titles and your Titles have appended mix names.

Now that version 6.4 is out I have some time to work on this. The best solution would be to have the ability to strip out the mix name when searching. However there are many ways the mix name can be appended:

song title The so and so mix
song title - mix name
song title (mix name)

In the past prior to their updates Beatport used the (mix name) format ... but I have no idea if that's what you or anyone else actually use. I can hard code it to remove (mix name) before searching however it might be a be a better idea to support the application of certain File to Tag templates to specify a pattern and not hard code it. This would make it possible to support multiple patterns.


2MR2PostMarch 23, 2021, 11:11
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Posts: 2083
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicBeatport - Mix Names

BTW: The easiest and quickest solution would be to remove sequences: (mix name) if it came at the end of a title and the enclosed text contained the word mix. Again, if that's not how you label mix names in title fields, it wouldn't do much.

2MR2PostMarch 23, 2021, 14:11
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicBeatport - Mix Names

Oops I looked at the code and to my surprise the implementation was half done already.

When searching, trailing ( ... ) sequences are currently removed from the Title field before it is used in a search. However, when scoring results the full title as in the file is used. I'm changing it to score using both representations and to use the best.

I just tried it on a number of files which have (mix name) at the end of the title and in all cases a match was found.

squanceyPostMarch 23, 2021, 21:48
Posts: 8
December 22, 2019, 13:27
Normal topicBeatport - Mix Names

Hi thanks for the response.....it is working a lot better now, and I have replied via email, detailing a small issue.

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