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Perhaps a list instead of auto complete
SnowdogPostSeptember 6, 2022, 18:31
Posts: 300
March 15, 2022, 17:12
Normal topicPerhaps a list instead of auto complete

As I add more & more composers (simply as a result of adding more music & tagging the composers therein) I'm finding that I have to type more & more before auto-complete gets to the right one.

I was wondering if a dropdown list (that would effectively decrease as I typed) might be a quicker option for me to get the composer I'm after?

Of course, I may be the only one who does things this way so it might just be too niche to bother with but if, for example, I started to type "Fr..." into the composer box & a list comprised of these were to pop up, it would be quicker for me to select one than to keep typing.

(And why do I now get the feeling you're going to tell me that it's already possible, all I have to do is...?)



2MR2PostSeptember 6, 2022, 20:57
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicPerhaps a list instead of auto complete

There is a function button item named List Items Containing Text in Field which is close but not really what you want. A sample use would be entering Beet which would find Ludwig van Beethoven.

I was wondering if a dropdown list (that would effectively decrease as I typed) might be a quicker option for me to get the composer I'm after?

That's just not possible without a massive amount of work. However, I could easily display only items starting with the current text in the field (or after the rightmost ;;; sequence) if you hold down the Control key. So you'd have to enter Fr {then delete, to get rid of the autofill} and then hold down the Control key while clicking on the menu. Only items beginning with Fr would be displayed. This is really easy and could be put in the next release. Make sense?

SnowdogPostSeptember 7, 2022, 03:54
Posts: 300
March 15, 2022, 17:12
Normal topicPerhaps a list instead of auto complete

Actually, I've just discovered that if I type a couple of letters & then click on that little arrow at the end I get the exact dropdown menu I was after.

Once again, I believe the operative term is "D'oh!" 😆

SnowdogPostSeptember 7, 2022, 05:03
Posts: 300
March 15, 2022, 17:12
Normal topicPerhaps a list instead of auto complete

I mean, I really am getting into the details of it now, but it's funny how, as each little problem has been solved, my workflow has speeded up to the point where the silly things start to be the things that slow me down.

You were saying that a dropdown menu would be a lot of work, but seeing as there's already a drop down menu behind that arrow, would it still be a lot of work to have it open as soon as I've typed a couple of letters?

I'm just curious, because I have a solution now, so there isn't really a problem any more as such.

2MR2PostSeptember 7, 2022, 07:31
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Posts: 2149
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicPerhaps a list instead of auto complete

Modifying how the dropdown menu works would be a lot of work. It's a standard Apple control which has already been extensively modified. Type in one of these fields and hit the down arrow key (not the disclosure button). It's exactly what you want.

Everything else I discussed assumed that you wanted to minimize the list which in hindsight does not make sense.

SnowdogPostSeptember 9, 2022, 07:50
Posts: 300
March 15, 2022, 17:12
Normal topicPerhaps a list instead of auto complete

Well, I think the behaviour I had in mind was the list popping up as soon as I started to type & gradually reducing as I typed more letters, but no, the down arrow thing works perfectly.

And like I say, the things I notice where (what seems like) a little tweak would help me out are getting so niche now, that they're kinda silly.

An example would be...

Say I have the surname of a composer who I know is in my list but I can't remember the forename.

I currently have to paste the surname into a browser to remind me of the forename so that I can start typing the first few correct letters before hitting the down arrow, as discussed above.

If I could start typing the first few letters of the surname & still have entries that include those letters pop up, it would knock out the browser stage.

Does anyone else need this? Hardly likely! 😆 😆

2MR2PostSeptember 9, 2022, 09:00
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Posts: 2149
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicPerhaps a list instead of auto complete

Well no one might need it but there is a way to do it. 🙂 Type in part or all of the surname then from the function button select List Items Containing Text in Field.

SnowdogPostSeptember 9, 2022, 16:39
Posts: 300
March 15, 2022, 17:12
Normal topicPerhaps a list instead of auto complete

Yay! (Does a little dance!)

Happy Friday!

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