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Album Database
GraemePostMarch 12, 2023, 03:15
Posts: 3
March 12, 2023, 07:07
Normal topicAlbum Database

As a newbie, I'm struggling to create an album database. Is there a basic guide somewhere that will get me going?

2MR2PostMarch 12, 2023, 08:32
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicAlbum Database

There is no guide but there is an action named Create Database Utility on the web resources page. It will help in the creation of a track and/or album database.

You still have to manually create your export sets which define which columns will appear in each database. You do this in Preferences - Export Sets. When you click on the + button to define a new set, you'll be presented with a few options to get you started.

Hopefully this helps. If you run into any snags or have particular questions, reach out again.

GraemePostMarch 13, 2023, 02:34
Posts: 3
March 12, 2023, 07:07
Normal topicAlbum Database

I did find the Create Database Utility action on the web but the graphic is different to the one I get. I'm using Yate version The attached screenshot shows what I created but when I try to run it, I get an error message "cannot execute this action without selected files" but there is no guide on how or where to select the files.

Overall, there is no help or guide in how to use the resources in Yate or how to build a batch process. It seems that this is assumed knowledge.

2MR2PostMarch 13, 2023, 09:16
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicAlbum Database

I just downloaded the Create Database Utility and it looks 99% as it does in the documentation. A line of descriptive text in the main panel is no longer displayed. I've also just run it and it works as expected.

Download the Create Database Utility from the resources web page and drag the zip file to Yate's main window's file list area. You will then have a folder named Create Database Utility in the Action Manager. Inside the folder there is an action of the same name. That's what you want to run.

The Utility has a help button which gives an overview and describes how to get at the full documentation.

You've created an action which look fine ... but if you're getting warned about no files being loaded, you're attempting to run it outside the Batch Processor. All Yate actions need loaded audio files in order to run. You can get around this rule by marking an action as Always in the Action Manager. That supplies a dummy file if none is provided.

Regardless, you don't want to run the action directly ... you want to run it from the Batch Processor which is started by the Batch Processor Wizard menu item on the Actions menu. You do not have to create an action, the Create Database Utility does everything for you and allows you to save different profiles.

There is lot's of help on running actions and the Batch Processor. There's additional documentation on the resources web page. From the Help menu, do a Search Yate Help. Enter Batch Processor.

GraemePostMarch 14, 2023, 02:51
Posts: 3
March 12, 2023, 07:07
Normal topicAlbum Database

Thank you very much for your help. Both methods worked for me now, however I found running an action from the batch processor was simpler and gave an output file with just the headers I wanted. I'll have a good look at all the help information.

This has stoked my interest! Next project might be to replace incorrectly allocated album Genres with something different. Do you know if a template exists already to do that

Thanks again.


2MR2PostMarch 14, 2023, 08:18
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Posts: 2152
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicAlbum Database

Personally I think of genres as differently. I really don't care what genres are available online or preset when you purchase music. I have my own list of genres which I apply.

I you really want, you can use an Access Discogs statement with Master Matching. This requires no IDs and uses only the Album and Album Artist metadata. You can set the accuracy level. Using this you can extract the Discogs genre. Play with the statement ... there is a log option which returns info and doesn't change the files. If you need help reach out.

2MR2PostMarch 14, 2023, 08:18
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Posts: 2152
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicAlbum Database

BTW: the create database utility calls the Batch Processor. You get the log file. 🙂

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