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Sequentially number album titles based on discs
SnowdogPostMarch 16, 2023, 14:12
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March 15, 2022, 17:12
Normal topicSequentially number album titles based on discs

Okay, here's an easy one for you. 😀

I have a box set of CDs.

I have an action to replace 00 in the album title with the disc number, so I can globally number the complete set in one hit.

However, the set is broken down into sections (orchestral, chamber music, piano music, etc.) & I'd like to append a two-digit number to each disc, starting from 01 for each section.

In other words, if I select 5 of the discs & run the action, it will add 01, 02 etc. to the end of each album, based on either the track numbering or the disc numbering, starting from 1 each time, in much the same way as the discs are numbered in each section in the finder:


I'm not expecting it to know where the sections are, I'm just assuming it will number the discs I've selected, starting from 01 each time I run it.

So, for example, Concertos, here:

Will end up like this:

SnowdogPostMarch 16, 2023, 14:20
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March 15, 2022, 17:12
Normal topicSequentially number album titles based on discs

This is how it will end up:


2MR2PostMarch 16, 2023, 15:57
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicSequentially number album titles based on discs

So ..... I think I get it.

An Album field contains something like DG 08. V02: Concertos. Let's call Concertos the descriptor. So starting from 1, whenever the disc # changes you add 1. Whenever the descriptor changes you reset to 1. If those are the rules, you can sort the files correctly, select them all and do it at once. Correct?

... correct or not if you want me to write the action ... and test it first ... please download the Dump Metadata action from the web resources page (off the Help menu). Select the entire set of files and run the action. Send me the produced zip to support@2manyrobots.com. I have an action which uses the dump to recreate the files (without audio). All paths, filenames and metadata will be recreated. That way I can test this thing without spending a lot of time creating dummy files to test with 🙂

SnowdogPostMarch 16, 2023, 16:05
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March 15, 2022, 17:12
Normal topicSequentially number album titles based on discs

Well, firstly, that sounds absolutely correct, with the added bonus that you can use the descriptor in the way you describe & do it all in one hit, rather than me selecting each "volume" separately.

Secondly, I would save what I have, run it &, if it isn't right, I can just clear the files & reload them without saving, but I'm happy to do the "dump" if you prefer. 🙂

SnowdogPostMarch 16, 2023, 16:07
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March 15, 2022, 17:12
Normal topicSequentially number album titles based on discs

(I'm doing the dump now anyway, as you specifically requested it. 🙂 )

2MR2PostMarch 16, 2023, 17:02
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicSequentially number album titles based on discs

Thanks for the dump ... it make my life much easier. In this case it showed me that sometimes you use V02: and sometime V01. (: and .). I'm checking for both. You also have a lot of files where the album does not contain a V## sequence . Those lines are 'DG##' with nothing else, so I'm ignoring them.

Download: https://2manyrobots.com/actions/Snowdog--Number-Album-based-on-Disc-and-trailing-text.zip

Load all the files and select them. Then run the action

All it does it change the Album field so if I've messed up you can do a File>Revert and undo the changes.

Let me know if I got it right.

SnowdogPostMarch 16, 2023, 17:37
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March 15, 2022, 17:12
Normal topicSequentially number album titles based on discs

Ah, bugger. That's a cock up on my part. I started to think ahead & forgot to finish what I was doing.

Every album will start with DG, followed by the volume number, followed by the descriptor.

Let me finish the basic tagging & I'll send you another dump. Sorry about that.

SnowdogPostMarch 16, 2023, 17:47
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March 15, 2022, 17:12
Normal topicSequentially number album titles based on discs

Okay, that's on its way.

So the album title format should be:

DG followed by the disc number & a full stop, then the Volume number (there are 8 in this set) followed by a colon & the descriptor.

Hopefully that makes it simpler?

2MR2PostMarch 16, 2023, 18:10
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicSequentially number album titles based on discs

So I just ran the action on your 2nd dump and it seems to work. I end up with the following different Album fields. The only one which look a little weird is the Concertos which were already follow by a number. Is this correct. If it's hard to see from the album list, run it on the files where it is a little easier to comprehend.

DG 01. V01: Orchestral Works 01
DG 02. V01: Orchestral Works 02
DG 03. V01: Orchestral Works 03
DG 04. V01: Orchestral Works 04
DG 05. V01: Orchestral Works 05
DG 06. V02: Concertos 01 06
DG 07. V02: Concertos 02 07
DG 08. V02: Concertos 03 08
DG 09. V03: Chamber Music 09
DG 10. V03: Chamber Music 10
DG 11. V03: Chamber Music 11
DG 12. V03: Chamber Music 12
DG 13. V03: Chamber Music 13
DG 14. V03: Chamber Music 14
DG 15. V03: Chamber Music 15
DG 16. V03: Chamber Music 16
DG 17. V03: Chamber Music 17
DG 18. V03: Chamber Music 18
DG 19. V03: Chamber Music 19
DG 20. V04: Piano Works 20
DG 21. V04: Piano Works 21
DG 22. V04: Piano Works 22
DG 23. V04: Piano Works 23
DG 24. V04: Piano Works 24
DG 25. V04: Piano Works 25
DG 26. V04: Piano Works 26
DG 27. V04: Piano Works 27
DG 28. V04: Piano Works 28
DG 29. V05: Lieder 29
DG 30. V05: Lieder 30
DG 31. V05: Lieder 31
DG 32. V05: Lieder 32
DG 33. V05: Lieder 33
DG 34. V05: Lieder 34
DG 35. V05: Lieder 35
DG 36. V06: Vocal Ensembles 36
DG 37. V06: Vocal Ensembles 37
DG 38. V06: Vocal Ensembles 38
DG 39. V06: Vocal Ensembles 39
DG 40. V07: Choral Works 40
DG 41. V07: Choral Works 41
DG 42. V07: Choral Works 42
DG 43. V07: Choral Works 43
DG 44. V08: Music For Chorus & Orchestra 44
DG 45. V08: Music For Chorus & Orchestra 45
DG 46. V08: Music For Chorus & Orchestra 46

2MR2PostMarch 16, 2023, 18:12
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicSequentially number album titles based on discs

Did you want each descriptor to start with 1?

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