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Creating an action to tag files based on folders they are in...
CosmasPostMay 24, 2024, 09:31
Posts: 10
May 20, 2024, 23:02
Hot topicCreating an action to tag files based on folders they are in...

Oh, very cool, I didn't notice the cancel button. Awesome. Clearly y'all have thought of everything. OK, safe flight and when you get a chance you can update the script. You rock, thanks!

2MR2PostMay 24, 2024, 11:06
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Posts: 2179
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Hot topicCreating an action to tag files based on folders they are in...

Just a quick thought. We're walking the entire tree looking for NewMusic folders and then looking for _NO and _OK folders. Is it okay to simply look for _NO and _OK folders and then any tracks under them? ie. do you have _NO and/or _OK folders anywhere other than under NewFolders? If the answer is no, then entire action can be simplified quite a bit.

CosmasPostMay 24, 2024, 11:13
Posts: 10
May 20, 2024, 23:02
Hot topicCreating an action to tag files based on folders they are in...

The set up is always as such:
Parent folder like MasterMusicFolder and then inside that a whole bunch of folders with these names: __NewMusic_080115 all the way to
__NewMusic_240215, __NewMusic_240315, __NewMusic_240415, etc.
Then inside the __NewMusic_XXXXX folders are : 01_Best, 02_Good, 03_OK, 04_NotForCosmas, 05_No, 06_Unfiled
It's pretty much like that. And it's any files anyware in '03_OK' and '05_No' that I'm trying to affect.
Hope that helps

2MR2PostMay 25, 2024, 06:03
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Posts: 2179
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Hot topicCreating an action to tag files based on folders they are in...

Try this one (v1.3)


If it still hangs, Cancel it, then ....

Run it again. When the system panel appears to select the root folder, check the Produce Debug Log checkbox at the bottom of the panel. When you cancel this time there will be a log file at ~/Documents/Yate/Log/Walk Folders Log.txt. Zip it up and send it to me at support@2manyrobots.com

It if doesn't work there's something in your folder/file structure that I'm not anticipating as it works fine on my test data.

Let me know.

It also now allows you to have loaded files. If any are modified, you'll be asked to resolve the changes (save them) and run the action again. If any files were loaded they will be closed when the action terminates. This is waht happens when you test many times and have to reload the files to see if it worked 🙂

If it works, uncheck the Produce Debug Log setting the next time you run it. The setting is sticky. (Again for testing purposes).

CosmasPostMay 25, 2024, 12:27
Posts: 10
May 20, 2024, 23:02
Hot topicCreating an action to tag files based on folders they are in...

Hi there, I just took a look and ran a test with everything I could think of to trip it up and it ran flawlessly, so I think you've really nailed it!
I'm very impressed. I'll certainly let you know if anything happens with it in the future, but hopefully that will solve this little puzzle for now.
Thanks again for your tireless support. Yate for the win!!

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