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LappenPostSeptember 8, 2024, 14:31
Posts: 34
November 8, 2014, 11:13
Normal topicNFS

Hi, i am unable to load my tracks on MacOS15 from my Unraid NFS share. I'm getting an error:

"Cannot determine creation date after open"

2MR2PostSeptember 8, 2024, 15:42
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Posts: 2176
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicNFS

This is a mac OS driver issue. Yate does not directly access the filesystem and relies on the OS to do all file interaction. While the creation date is not directly used, the modification date is. I can get you a patch to ignore the inability to read the creation date but if the modification date cannot be read, there will be issues. Yate will not be able to detect if files have been externally modified.

Please download the action at:


Install the action (Filesystem Property Test) and run it. You will asked to select a file. Select a file on your NAS. A panel will appear which displays the creation date, modification date and file size of the selected file. I'm assuming that creation date will be empty. I'm trying to determine if modification date is empty as well.

Let me know the results.

2MR2PostSeptember 9, 2024, 10:53
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Posts: 2176
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicNFS

I've done a little more investigation. Evidently NFS does not (typically?) supply a creation date. I've changed the code to ignore this scenario and it will no longer be treated as an error. It's hard to believe but you're probably the first person in 12 years to use NFS.

If you want early access to the patch reach out to support@2manyrobots.com

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