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Action for filling Genre+Grouping fields with information from Discogs?
SunsongsPostDecember 25, 2014, 13:31
Posts: 1
December 25, 2014, 17:56
Normal topicAction for filling Genre+Grouping fields with information from Discogs?

Hello, sorry if this is a really obvious question; I'm still very new to Yate, and don't know where to start. I know what I want to ask Yate to do, which is the following:

1. Link all albums to their Discogs profiles.
2. Delete all existing information in the "Genre" field of each song.
3. Delete all existing information in the "Grouping" field of each song.
4. Fill the "Genre" field of every song on each album with what Discogs lists as the "Genre" of that album.
5. Fill the "Grouping" field of every song on each album with what Discogs lists as the "Style" of that album.

For example, if my library includes the following album:


I'd want Yate to genre-tag each song in the album with "Rock", and grouping-tag each song with "Ethereal".

Or, if my library includes the following album:


I'd want Yate to genre-tag each song in the album with "Rock" and grouping-tag each song with "Alternative Rock, New Wave".

I don't know how to do this, though. Is Yate capable of completing this sort of automated multi-step Discogs operation, first of all? If so, what would I need to assemble in order to ask it to do so? Thanks for your time.

2MR2PostDecember 26, 2014, 10:43
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicRe: Action for filling Genre+Grouping fields with information from Discogs?

Not obvious but it is easily doable 🙂

There is an Access Discogs action function which can do the trick. Yate imports the Discogs style into the 'Mood' tag. If you are okay with that you can do it with a one line action. If you want 'style' to go to 'Grouping' you have to add a couple of statements to the action.

Essentially the Access Discogs statement supports 'Master Matching' which attempts to find a Discogs Master for an album. This is done on an album/folder basis and is safer than matching tracks which is why we support it in an automatic mode. The created action gets run through the Yate Batch Processor over a root folder and all contained folders. The statement will process a folder as long as every track in the folder has a consistent Album field. It the Artist field happens to be consistent as well, the information will be used in the 'match' attempt.

If you have no already done so you will have to generate a Discogs Authorization token. You can do so via the Yate>Force Discogs Authorization... menu item. This is a one time thing.

I also suggest that in Preferences-Discogs you set 'Combine multiple value items into a single item'. I'm assuming that you want delimited values as opposed to ID3 style multiple values.

Here's a simple action which will do the Genre/Grouping thing which preserves the pre-existing Mood field, (The process maps Genre as you wish).

Copy the Mood field to Variable 1
Access Discogs (Master matching - good) log and import changes using custom import settings
Get Property Is Modified -> Variable 2
Set Action Test State from Variable 2
if true
Copy the Mood field to the Grouping field
Copy the Variable 1 field to the Mood field

When running the Batch Processor make sure that you select 'Auto-save' and 'Verbose.

The action basically preserves the Mood field and then attempts to find a 'master'. In the Access Discogs statement I suggest setting the following custom fields for importing: Genre, Master id, Master URL, Mood. (Make sure that the selected items are checked and not (-) which implies 'only if empty'). This will give you what you requested and add the id of the matched master and a URL to the master on the Discogs site. (It makes sense to preserve the log file as well as it contains all the results).

Important to remember is that if you are running over a large number of albums, you will get false matches. No human intervention == false matches. You can control the accuracy of the matches by selecting Best, Good or Loose. I recently did the same process over about 4k folders using Good and I had only a small percentage of false matches. In my case I was looking for Musician Credits. If you have the time or desire to test the results without modifying the files, write a single line action with the Access Discogs statement changing 'log and import' to simply log. The batch processor's log will contain the potential matches. You can try this over you collection with different Best, Good or Loose values before committing the actual changes. Eventually you can do a batch run or load each album separately in the Discogs Wizard. You can exclude an album from master matching by creating a user defined text item in the appropriate tracks named ExcludeFromDiscogsMasterMatching.

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