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Volume Tag
mixxiahPostFebruary 7, 2013, 19:07
Posts: 8
February 8, 2013, 00:03
Normal topicVolume Tag

Can Yate alter the 'volume' tag in iTunes?

2MR2PostFebruary 7, 2013, 21:54
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Posts: 2086
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicRe: Volume Tag

Not as of now. I looked at this in the past. The Volume Adjustment under the user's and AppleScript's control is definitely not the value used via Sound Check. Have you used this in the past? If the Volume adjustment is doing something for you it certainly can be added. Please let me know if it's something that would be useful for you.

mixxiahPostFebruary 9, 2013, 12:48
Posts: 8
February 8, 2013, 00:03
Normal topicRe: Volume Tag

Yes, possibly it would be useful for me. Here's my problem:
As anyone who uses iTunes extensively knows; Sound Check doesn't do the best of jobs, so I've been using a program called iVolume which works much better. However, with the upgrade to iTunes 11 - it has not performed well at all. The iVolume developer so far doesn't acknowledge or won't address the issue.
My hope is that by using Yate: 1) I can 'see' the 'true' value of the volume tag of a track and 2) Alter it.
If you have any suggestions or solution that I've overlooked, please do enlighten me.

2MR2PostFebruary 18, 2013, 20:45
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicRe: Volume Tag

V2.0.1 was released today. The Volume Adjustment is now a field on the Audio tab and can be imported from and exported to iTunes. The Apple documentation for the volume level is -100% to +100%. Unfortunately that is incorrect. The actual values in do not correctly match the values out. I've normalized the values the best I can to allow a continuous range which maps correctly in either direction. This has resulted in the rather strange range of -97 to 99. You can still think of them as percentage increases or decreases with 0 being the unaltered value.. Hopefully the feature as implemented works for you.

mixxiahPostFebruary 19, 2013, 19:41
Posts: 8
February 8, 2013, 00:03
Normal topicRe: Volume Tag

Thank You; I appreciate the effort, however I'm still stuck.
The Volume tag I'm talking about in iTunes is in 'dB' not percentages. When you 'get info' (command I) on a track you'll see this in the 'summary' window. Yes, if you click on the 'options' window you'll see the 'volume adjustment' in percentages (a slider). I want to change the dB tag.
I don't see how to alter the volume in Yate. I was hoping that Yate would show me a file's volume metadata in dB and then allow me change it.
I'm confused. What's the difference between 'volume adjustment' and 'relative volume adjustment' in Yate? Both of these fields are blank when I select a file - shouldn't there be a value in either?

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