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Question about using the new Field List Enumerator function
cpkPostApril 16, 2015, 02:53
Posts: 95
March 1, 2015, 02:55
Normal topicQuestion about using the new Field List Enumerator function


I've finally got some time again to work on this and rewrite some of my actions with the new functions. I have a general question about how this function is designed to work with the updated version of Repeat With.

I want to enumerate all the UD text fields that maybe in file, so I use Field List Enumerator to build the list in a variable, say V1. Then with Repeat With I one by one load each UD text field from the list in V1 into a temporary variable, say V2. Then I call an action that does something and this case I want to modify the NAME that is in V1 if it matches certain criteria and then save that back modified name back to the UD text field name. Modifying the value in the list in V1 isn't going to change the UD text field names right? And there doesn't seem to be a way to save that list back to UD text fields and it is not obvious to me from the help if the list is being built with the names, the values or both as key:value pairs. So I am still going to have to import and export the UD text field name and value like I am already doing. I am not seeing though how to use this new enumeration and updated repeat with to get into the actual UD text field and manipulate them. What am missing in this action-flow?

2MR2PostApril 16, 2015, 05:52
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicRe: Question about using the new Field List Enumerator function

Careful: the forum's auto mailer removes \ characters. If you're looking at an action always read the content in the forum.

You are correct, modifying the Repeat variable contents or the initial list will have no effect on the Repeat and will not change the UDTI data.

Here's an example: Prepend all UDTIs that start with "test" with "My "

Force Grouped Execution
Set Variable 1 to an enumerator list for field User Defined Text Info
Repeat With Variable 2 for the list in field Variable 1 (Initial) string delimiter "\n" Run inline action 'fixit'

Start fixit
Test if the Variable 2 field starts with "test" case insensitive (Set result)
if true
Set Variable 3 to "My \v2"
Import name of User Defined Text Item with name '\v2' from Variable 3

cpkPostApril 16, 2015, 17:15
Posts: 95
March 1, 2015, 02:55
Normal topicRe: Question about using the new Field List Enumerator function

I see how you are doing it. Thank you for the example that helped perfectly. 🙂

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