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Symbolic Linking PLEASE!!
clickjoyPostMay 8, 2013, 18:25
Posts: 20
April 29, 2013, 20:42
Hot topicSymbolic Linking PLEASE!!

I would nearly die of happiness if Yate could produce symbolic links to media files as an alternative to moving them.

Just take the current [File: Move:] command and give it a sister function like [File: Create Symbolic Links: ]. Bonus points if this can be made to replace old links by Name, iTunes Database ID or Unique File ID.

Please add this! I'll donate $$$ or blood or beer... whatever.


2MR2PostMay 8, 2013, 18:35
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Hot topicRe: Symbolic Linking PLEASE!!

LOL!!!!! I'll take a look.

2MR2PostMay 8, 2013, 23:00
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Hot topicRe: Symbolic Linking PLEASE!!

Okay in possibly the fastest feature implementation ever...symbolic links are implemented. It'll be in the next release.

Unlike with a Move, iTunes is not told that the file has been relocated...iTunes references the actual file when adding a link.

I've simply made the symbolic links an option on the Move function which has been renamed Move/Symbolic Links.

Now as far as the bonus points. I'm not sure what you mean. The operation, move or create symbolic link, starts with an actual track. Either it is moved or a link is created to reference it.

2MR2PostMay 9, 2013, 16:52
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Hot topicRe: Symbolic Linking PLEASE!!

I've decided not to be so lazy. Move and Create Symbolic Links will appear as two separate action functions.

PowderPostMay 19, 2013, 07:59
Posts: 116
March 4, 2013, 18:53
Hot topicRe: Symbolic Linking PLEASE!!

For me such a feature would be nice, too (on folder level).
I would like a script to do the renaming like this:

Rename and move to: ~/Music/Releases by Artist/Album Artist/Album Artist - Year - Album Title/01.…mp3
For me a symlink (softlink) pointing to the album folder would be great, linke this:

~/Music/Releases by Label/Label Name/[CATALOGNUMBER] Album Artist - Title/ --(link to)--> ~/Music/Releases by Artist/Album Artist/Album Artist - Year - Album Title/

The benefit with this would be that I could browse my music in Finder without the need of additional software like iTunes.

What would be essential for this: Symbolic links must be relative to the music root directory, so the link on top would look like:
~/Music/Releases by Label/Label Name/[CATALOGNUMBER] Album Artist - Title/ --(link to)--> ../../Releases by Artist/Album Artist/Album Artist - Year - Album Title/

The music folder can then be moved to a different drive and the links would still be working.

PowderPostMay 19, 2013, 08:11
Posts: 116
March 4, 2013, 18:53
Hot topicRe: Symbolic Linking PLEASE!!

So the options could be:
Link to either music files or album folders and relative / absolute.

2MR2PostMay 19, 2013, 08:55
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Hot topicRe: Symbolic Linking PLEASE!!

Create Symbolic Links is implemented in the upcoming v2.2. It supports both relative and absolute positioning.

When I beef up the template stuff for Rename it will percolate into File to Tag, Move and Create Symbolic Links.

I'll take a look at supporting the creation of folder links as well.

2MR2PostMay 19, 2013, 11:46
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Hot topicRe: Symbolic Linking PLEASE!!

Let me make sure I get this. Currently the Move and new Create Symbolic Links functions construct a path as follows:
relative offset to current folder or absolute path
followed by up to three path components extracted from tag fields
followed by a track name

This path is either the new location of a track or the location to create a symbolic link.

In the case of linking to folders there is no track being referenced. I'm assuming that you want to be able to create a link at a specified path (same as with the Move function). The only differences are that the last specified path component will be the name of the link file. and that the link is to a folder. In your example: '[CATALOGNUMBER] Album Artist - Title' which references '../../Releases by Artist/Album Artist/Album Artist - Year - Album Title/'. What I want to be sure of is that '[CATALOGNUMBER] Album Artist - Title' is the name of the created symbolic link file.

Is this correct?

The '[CATALOGNUMBER] Album Artist - Title' would have to be synthesized at run time by means of the Set and Append functions. I will allow you to access the 'User Defined Work Field' from the new link to folder function so you could always get it from there.

PowderPostMay 20, 2013, 16:03
Posts: 116
March 4, 2013, 18:53
Hot topicRe: Symbolic Linking PLEASE!!

Yes you are right.
The symlink and path of the symlink should be synthesized from different fields.
It would be perfect to have something like the rename patterns for this, so you have a dropdown menu where you can choose different patterns (or type them like %album artist%/album/…).
Three Fields to choose from is not enough.

About the rename pattern:
I think it’s bad, to have a folder start-element. It would make more sense to me to use / for that and give you more power to create subfolders like artist/album/anotherfield/…

Another thing:
Do: [Always, Not In Compilation, Compilation] would make more sense to me as a separate action item under flow control which returns ether true or false.

2MR2PostMay 20, 2013, 16:29
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Hot topicRe: Symbolic Linking PLEASE!!

1) You have a potentially infinite number of fields by using the new Variable fields. You can synthesize whatever you'd like in those fields from within actions. I have other people testing symbolic links (for files) and they like the approach which mirrors the Move function. We need more dialog on this stuff. Different opinions abound 🙂

2) Rename templates change at most one folder. Far too many users out there are using rename templates to make a radical change now. In my opinion rename is there to rename the file and parent folder at best. You can always use Move to do what you'd wish.

3) True. It's the nature of the way that actions work in Yate. Each step of an action is processed for all files before the next step is started, Certain functions complete the operation on all files at once. Because the Move and Symbolic Links functions have to be able to operate on individual tracks it was necessary to merge the compilation options in......for now. I'm looking at some overall expansion capabilities to the action system. My main issue is the in-and-out of the UI capability and the fact that Batch Processing is required as well. Flipping the order of action processing to 'do one file at a time' would be more powerful but it would be slower. As I said, I'm looking at it.

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