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Release date + Episode ID missing
sabremanPostNovember 11, 2017, 13:02
Posts: 1
November 11, 2017, 17:34
Normal topicRelease date + Episode ID missing


Using the MovieDB - TV importer:

• Yate finds the episode "Release Time", but this is not copied over to iTunes "Release Date" when saving the file;

• The iTunes "Episode ID", ie S01E05, would be really handy to have. I know it doesn't appear in any of the TVDB fields or Yate, but would be grateful if there's a way of including this in future releases.

MacOS: 10.13.1


Yate: 3.17.2

Thanks in advance for any help,

2MR2PostNovember 11, 2017, 16:19
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicRe: Release date + Episode ID missing

The Release Date field in the iTunes library is read only and cannot be modified. 🙁

iTunes writes the Episode ID to MPEG-4 files and Yate supports bi-directional handling. Drag a TV show from iTunes into Yate and the Episode ID field on the Video Editing Panel will be filled. Change the value, save the file and iTunes will reflect the change.

However you are correct that the TV importer does not synthesize the Episode ID field. There are no real standards for the iTunes interpretation. Sometimes you get S01E05 and sometimes 0105. We can easily synthesize the data on import and use the 'correct' form of S01E05. I'll add it in a future release. (After v3.17.3).

2MR2PostNovember 11, 2017, 16:21
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Posts: 2083
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicRe: Release date + Episode ID missing

Further, you can manually populate the field by clicking on the function button to the left of the field and selecting Synthesize.

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