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goldcodePostMarch 22, 2019, 11:56
Posts: 1
March 22, 2019, 15:44
Normal topicBandcamp

Would be cool to add a https://bandcamp.com/ wizard. Coming across releases that are not fully documented or available on Discogs.

2MR2PostMarch 22, 2019, 12:04
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicRe: Bandcamp

As far as I can tell they have no API that we can use. The only API I can find is for "Labels and merchandise fulfillment partners".

pruchaiPostSeptember 3, 2020, 07:34
Posts: 20
September 3, 2020, 11:21
Normal topicRe: Bandcamp

There is thing thing.... https://github.com/scriptkittie/bandcamp-api

Not sure if this could be used as a plugin/action of some sort without including a hack like this into the actual application

2MR2PostSeptember 3, 2020, 08:42
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Posts: 2176
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicRe: Bandcamp

Unfortunately it's not of much use in Yate. From what I can see of the Bandcamp API its intended use is that "Labels and merchandise fulfillment partners can interact with their accounts". If you have access to the API "you can get a list of the bands you have access to (either through artist accounts, label accounts, or partnerships)". Other than sales reports and merchandise related stuff, there's nothing to be had.

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