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MKopparamPostFebruary 15, 2021, 10:36
Posts: 4
February 15, 2021, 10:44
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All I want to do with about 1900 tracks on my iTunes is,,,

The tracks have been grouped under various artists
many tracks have Title-Artist as the file name
Sometimes they're under Unknown Album.

I want to tag Name, Artist, Album by Artist and such but MOST IMPORTANTLY I want to tag the original Album the song came from and not some random '100 Greatest Rock Hits' and such.

How can I do this?

I am finding Yate over-engineered

2MR2PostFebruary 15, 2021, 10:49
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
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Yate does not profess to be a "press a button and clean up you library" tagger 🙁

When metadata in tracks is incorrect the only solution is attempt a rematch of the track to an online data source such as Discogs or MusicBrainz. Using AcoustID you can sometimes match a fingerprint and get a matching recording from which the metadata can be extracted.

However, none of these methods will automatically return an original album ... which is a dubious construct. The track 'Miss You by The Rolling Stones' has 168,500 potential recording matches in the MusicBrainz database.

Again AcoustID will most certainly find album matches which are not 'best of' albums if a decent match can be found. Regardless, for what you want I would not run this automatically. You can try it out by loading some of the tracks into Yate, linking them to iTunes and then do an Actions>Fingerprint, Get Data, View...

You'll be able to see which tracks/albums/artists were matched and you can import various items from the context menus.

MKopparamPostFebruary 15, 2021, 11:25
Posts: 4
February 15, 2021, 10:44
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Thanks for the tip - it's beginning to make sense and am taking my first baby steps following your suggestion.

MKopparamPostFebruary 18, 2021, 04:03
Posts: 4
February 15, 2021, 10:44
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I have been doing this...
'loading some of the tracks into Yate, linking them to iTunes and then do an Actions>Fingerprint, Get Data, View...'

I am now able to choose the right tags (name, artist, album etc...) for each tune

But while I see the tags have changed in iTunes and display the way I want them to, the file name itself remains unchanged.

Is there any way of going around this? I'd like the file name changed as well so that they go into the right directory in my music folder.

2MR2PostFebruary 18, 2021, 08:14
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
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File renaming and moving is independent of acquiring metadata.

Yate can rename files however you wish and can move them wherever you want. If either function is performed on linked tracks, iTunes/Music will be informed of the changes.

iTunes tends to mess up renaming if its settings are not correct. In iTunes-Preferences-Advanced there is a setting named 'Keep iTunes Media folder organized'. If that setting is enabled, iTunes can rename your files if it doesn't like the way you've manually renamed them. Further, the 'Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library' can create duplicates of your files if you're adding them to iTunes from Yate. Be careful here....

You rename files in Yate via File>Rename. How your files get renamed depends on the rename template you choose. You create rename templates in Preferences-Rename. A number of templates are built in. If you'd like help with a template, let us know how you want the files to be renamed.

Moving files can only be done in an action via a Move statement. Once you have your file renaming worked out let us know if you need help moving them. Moving them to a different location in the music folder is easy. You have to decide if you'd still like compilations spread over different folders as does iTunes ... keeping them together in a single folder is a far better approach.

MKopparamPostFebruary 19, 2021, 02:41
Posts: 4
February 15, 2021, 10:44
Normal topicWho can help...?

Thank you! I'm going to put this in practice and will get back to you with the results.

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