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Dragged file imports
UKenGBPostApril 4, 2021, 04:47
Posts: 57
April 30, 2020, 09:36
Normal topicDragged file imports

As far as I can tell, when dragging folders onto its window, Yate only looks for files up to one level deep which I find frustratingly not enough. Drag a TV Show's folder, or an Artist's folder and you get nothing. Could I request that the search for appropriate files be extended by at least one more level?

I cannot actually see why there is any limit to this. Just grab all files, however deep in the dragged hierarchy, but if we need a limit, perhaps make it a Preference so users can specify what they require?

2MR2PostApril 4, 2021, 07:57
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Posts: 2083
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicDragged file imports

There is a setting and it's the first one that was implemented. It's called the Open Mode. It's typically accessible as three buttons on the toolbar and is hard wired into the File>Open Mode menu. The following topic is listed in the Getting Started help.

The Open Mode ... Controlling what gets opened

It's also covered in the only video that I've managed to keep more or less up to date.

I strongly suggest keeping it on the toolbar (along with the Cancel button) as there are many instances when you'd want to flip the behaviour.

UKenGBPostApril 8, 2021, 07:29
Posts: 57
April 30, 2020, 09:36
Normal topicDragged file imports

Ah, got it. Wondered what that was for. 😀

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