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Changing case not working in Main Window
Tom CTPostMay 9, 2021, 16:40
Posts: 11
February 2, 2013, 02:30
Normal topicChanging case not working in Main Window

Hey 2MR -
I tried searching for a solution to this, but came up blank.
When trying to change the case of tags (usually the title tag), the Multi Field Editor works as expected, but when I right-click on the Title field in the Main Window and use Yate Transformations, there is no effect. All the files I wish to change have been selected, so I can't think of what I'm missing.

I'm barely scratching the surface of what Yate is capable of, so I'm a bit of a noob.

Many thanks - Tom

2MR2PostMay 9, 2021, 17:09
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Posts: 2085
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicChanging case not working in Main Window

The in field transformations only work when there is consistent text displayed. If a field displays a greyed out Mixed, the transformations are essentially disabled. I can think about it and have a look but in this case the transformations are actually working on the displayed text ... which ends up being pushed to the fields. They are not really being applied to the fields but rather the displayed text. I know it's confusing.

In case you didn't know, you can click on the function button to the left of Title and select Multi Field Editor. When the MFE displays, Title will have been preselected.

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