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Action Request For Concerts
dr01dyPostAugust 19, 2021, 13:06
Posts: 18
November 24, 2019, 20:49
Normal topicAction Request For Concerts

Hi Team,

I was wondering if anyone had an action or batch script that would do the following.

If album name has 1999.02.10 covert to 1999-02-10 and make sure the year is always first as an example if 02.10.1999 conver to 1999-02-10.

I hope this makes sense 🙂

Best, Jeff

2MR2PostAugust 19, 2021, 13:13
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicAction Request For Concerts

Please reply with a few sample album names. Include a few with the date spec in any position you think it can occur. Do not leave out the non date text in the examples.

'1999.02.10 covert to 1999-02-10' makes no sense. I'm assuming you have DD-MM-YYYY or MM-DD-YYYY and you want YYYY-MM-DD.

Also need to know which of DD-MM-YYYY or MM-DD-YYYY is currently used. It is not always possible to tell by looking at the text.

ie. is 02.10.1999 Feb 10, 1999 or October 2, 1999?

dr01dyPostAugust 19, 2021, 13:24
Posts: 18
November 24, 2019, 20:49
Normal topicAction Request For Concerts

sorry if it didnt make sense. I was saying remove the "periods" and replace with a "slash"

2005_10_13 Roseland Theater Portland, covert to 2005-10-13 Roseland Theater Portland, OR
10 being the month and 13 is the date.
2005.10.13 Roseland Theater Portland, convert to 2005-10-13 Roseland Theater Portland, OR

Thank you sir

2MR2PostAugust 19, 2021, 13:38
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Posts: 2083
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicAction Request For Concerts

You say period and slash but your example has underscores and dashes 🙂

I can handle both periods and underscores. Do you still want it moved to the front?



Roseland Theater Portland 2005.10.13


2005.10.13 Roseland Theater Portland

Still not clear if I have to worry about MM.DD.YY? ie. can I see the following: 10.13.2005 Roseland Theater Portland

dr01dyPostAugust 19, 2021, 13:48
Posts: 18
November 24, 2019, 20:49
Normal topicAction Request For Concerts

it would become 2005-10-13 Roseland Theater Portland


2MR2PostAugust 19, 2021, 15:49
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Posts: 2083
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicAction Request For Concerts

Download the action at: https://2manyrobots.com/actions/CorrectDatesInAlbum.zip

This will give you an action named Correct Dates in Album

It will handle periods (.) slashes (/) underscores (_) and dashes (-) as delimiters.

Using any of the four supported delimiters, it will handle dates entered as YYYY MM DD or MM DD YYYY

If found the date will be removed and rewritten as YYYY-MM-DD at the start of the field.

The action has a side effect of removing all leading and trailing spaces and compressing all sequences of multiple spaces into a single space.

The action will run in immediate mode or in the Batch Processor. Note that the action does not save changes. If you run it through the Batch Processor make sure to enable the Auto-Save option when the options are displayed.

dr01dyPostAugust 19, 2021, 15:56
Posts: 18
November 24, 2019, 20:49
Normal topicAction Request For Concerts

You are so amazing, I am so grateful!


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