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Make "Display Artwork" Field Croppable
cpkPostMarch 1, 2015, 20:25
Posts: 95
March 1, 2015, 02:55
Hot topicMake "Display Artwork" Field Croppable

This is regarding making custom panels. In the factory Info panel the artwork is displayed next to a comment field and the space on the right and left of the artwork is cropped so that the comment field can expand to take up the otherwise empty space. When using the "Display Artwork" choice when designing a custom panel the choice to "crop field to min size" is permanently greyed out. It would be very nice to be able to take advantage of the wasted space around the displayed artwork as is done in the factory "Info" panel instead of have it forced to center justify and waste space on either side of it.

Additionally, it would be nice that if the square size of the displayed artwork had more options that are smaller. Currently the size is the same for one, two or three rows devoted to it and it only starts to change size when at least four rows are selected. It would be much more flexible if the size was also smaller for one, two and three rows - perhaps leave the size the way it is for three rows and then give two small sizes for two and one row?

I find this mostly useful just to know that there is artwork for the track rather than see it in detail for which I can look at the Artwork panel. So, having a size that is 102 pixels square looks like it would look good with three rows and 62 pixels square would look good with two rows. 62 pixels square is fairly small but close to typical icon sizes on my desktop and would work just fine for a quick visual that there is artwork without having to waste a lot of panel space or click the Artwork panel first.

Thank you in advance for considering this.

2MR2PostMarch 1, 2015, 20:32
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Hot topicRe: Make "Display Artwork" Field Croppable

Makes sense. I'll add it to the list.

cpkPostMarch 1, 2015, 21:05
Posts: 95
March 1, 2015, 02:55
Hot topicRe: Make "Display Artwork" Field Croppable


I just discovered an inconsistent behavior with this very thing. If the Display artwork does not have anything next to it it behaves as I described above regarding its size but if it has something next to it then it does get smaller for one and two rows. Since I will always have something I guess the sizing is fine for me. Not sure why it behaves that way though.

2MR2PostMarch 1, 2015, 21:12
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Hot topicRe: Make "Display Artwork" Field Croppable

I'm missing something here. If I put a Display Artwork in the lower left grid on a custom panel, it behaves the same for me whether there is anything in the lower right grid or not. The artwork expands as the window is resized.

I though you were talking about moving the artwork to the left of the grid as I do on the Info panel's combined artwork/comment field. I'm definitely not seeing that.

cpkPostMarch 1, 2015, 21:26
Posts: 95
March 1, 2015, 02:55
Hot topicRe: Make "Display Artwork" Field Croppable

Okay I am am attaching screenshots that show part of the custom panel with and without the comment field and in both cases the display artwork. The artwork is not sized the same in both cases. Also, if there are fields below then there is a completely different size give to one row of display artwork. I think it is all really inconsistent in how the display artwork sizes the artwork. But in all cases I've tried I still can'r crop the space on either side of the artwork.


cpkPostMarch 1, 2015, 21:29
Posts: 95
March 1, 2015, 02:55
Hot topicRe: Make "Display Artwork" Field Croppable

I missed one of the screenshots. (actually I put the wrong one there but deleted it)

2MR2PostMarch 1, 2015, 21:43
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Hot topicRe: Make "Display Artwork" Field Croppable

The only one that is questionable is the 'comment to the left of the artwork'. The issue is that you have two fields which are vertically resizable which do not occupy the available real estate and do not end on the same grid. This may be a bug.

If you expand the Artwork Display down to be the same size as Comment, all will be as you would expect. While this is more than likely a bug, having expandable fields with empty grids beneath them only wastes space. You should probably always have vertically resizable fields touching the bottom.

....on the list 🙂

cpkPostMarch 1, 2015, 21:46
Posts: 95
March 1, 2015, 02:55
Hot topicRe: Make "Display Artwork" Field Croppable

Quote from 2MR2 on March 1, 2015, 21:12
I'm missing something here. If I put a Display Artwork in the lower left grid on a custom panel, it behaves the same for me whether there is anything in the lower right grid or not. The artwork expands as the window is resized.

I though you were talking about moving the artwork to the left of the grid as I do on the Info panel's combined artwork/comment field. I'm definitely not seeing that.

Sorry for not being clear enough. The sizing of the image was something I thought could have been better based on the number of rows so that the displayed artwork would line up with the number of rows that were selected for the display artwork so that the vertical space would be optimized and hopefully line the artwork up to fields to the right or left of it depending. Right now the artwork if, two rows are selected, is too many pixels square to line up ideally with a comment field of only two rows, but this isn't a big deal. I see that I have to have fields below the comments and display artwork in order to get the artwork size to cooperate.

Really the most important thing I was trying to request was that Display Artwork be given the ability to crop to min size so that any other fields to the right or left of the artwork would automatically expand to take of the empty space.

I hope that makes better sense.

cpkPostMarch 1, 2015, 21:56
Posts: 95
March 1, 2015, 02:55
Hot topicRe: Make "Display Artwork" Field Croppable

Quote from 2MR2 on March 1, 2015, 21:43
If you expand the Artwork Display down to be the same size as Comment, all will be as you would expect. While this is more than likely a bug, having expandable fields with empty grids beneath them only wastes space. You should probably always have vertically resizable fields touching the bottom.

....on the list 🙂

Actually I wasn't really thinking about the auto-vertical resizing of these fields in this case. I see what you mean though and that makes a lot of sense for the comment field in this panel but I originally wanted the artwork up in the corner and the same width as Media Type, Length . Track of, Disk of, etc.

Thanks for putting it on the list. 🙂

P.S. Rating would look better if it had the same size as all the other fields that cropped to minimum width so that the right edges of the edit boxes were in-line. See screenshot.
P.P.S. There is perhaps a display bug with text in the comment field if I fill it up and the scroll bar appears. See screenshot.

2MR2PostMarch 1, 2015, 21:58
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Hot topicRe: Make "Display Artwork" Field Croppable

I get it. Getting the artwork to line up perfectly is difficult as the width and height may vary and the resizing is done by the image control. The image control is a stock control (NSImageView) and will not automatically line up with the somewhat arbitrary grid size that I chose. (Actually it does but it includes its own 'whitespace'). The Comment/Artwork field on the Info panel works differently as the x/y dimensions of the image are permanently capped in the width. The resizing algorithm used by the custom panel does not currently have any dirty cases...they are all treated the same. I'll look into it but getting it to behave as you wish might mean building in new controls for a 1 line artwork thumbnail, 2 line artwork thumbnail, .... Not difficult. In the same vein, I may have to introduce a combined Involved People/Musician Credits control to duplicate the behaviour on the Credits panel.

As I pointed out this could be much easier if I dropped the older OSs but that's not going to happen. So.... I'll either figure out a common solution or I'll introduce additional controls.

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