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Extract Artist and Title from Title
ZipaulPostDecember 6, 2013, 09:05
Posts: 41
December 5, 2013, 19:18
Very Hot topicRe: Extract Artist and Title from Title

Still no way to change the Title...only in Itunes one by one.........PLEASE HELP !!!

2MR2PostDecember 6, 2013, 10:18
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Very Hot topicRe: Extract Artist and Title from Title

I'm sorry but I really don't understand what you mean by "Yate doesn't allow me to change the Title". Open any file in Yate, by Open, by dragging from the Finder or by dragging from iTunes. Select a file. On the Info tab change the Title field to be whatever you want it to be. If you then save the files the Title field will have been saved. If the file was linked to iTunes, the changes will also be present in iTunes.

You can delete all your track numbers in a variety of ways. From an action via a Clear function or via the Clear option in the Multi Field Editor. Tracks can be renumbered on a per album basis via the Actions>Renumber Tracks from 1 function. This function respects disc numbers. You can also use Actions>Flatten Discs to renumber your tracks consecutively from 1 ignoring disc numbers.

I also can't understand why you're talking about using another tagger to manipulate data after editing in Yate. 🙂

Are you trying to change the Title field or rename the files?

ZipaulPostDecember 6, 2013, 12:39
Posts: 41
December 5, 2013, 19:18
Very Hot topicRe: Extract Artist and Title from Title

Not trying to rename the files. Just want to extract Artist and Name which are together in many tracks. I guess I didn't explain myself crearly....sorry but english is not my 1st language and don't fin sometimes the right words. I use another tagger which is really simple and basic for my DJ tracks.....after applying to the tracks, they appear on the folder as: ARTIST - NAME.mp3. So, I am using it too for the kind of collections I am working on. That way I have them in the folder Artist - Name. But after using Yate, i put them in tritag and info is missing.......that doesn't show in Itunes where i DO find all the info. But not in the folder where I can only see the track title.
Some of these songs will aslo be used for DJing. So I need more info than just the track name. Is there anyway to make yate do that....meaning ARTIST - NAME - YEAR ???
I hope I explained myself this time.
Thank u again. Paul

ZipaulPostDecember 6, 2013, 12:57
Posts: 41
December 5, 2013, 19:18
Very Hot topicRe: Extract Artist and Title from Title

just so you know, what you helped me with was perfect. I do get all the info on Yate and can Edit what I want also. In Itunes, all the info is correct. But I need the tracks in folders not only by Name. How do I set Yate to export the tracks to the folder the way I need them ???

2MR2PostDecember 6, 2013, 13:29
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Very Hot topicRe: Extract Artist and Title from Title


Sorry for the confusion. Tri-Tag as far as I can tell does two things. The first is extract tags from filenames and the second is to rename filenames from tags. Yate does both these function.....in fact far better 🙂

What you are calling 'export tracks' is renaming in Yate. I can show you how to rename the files to whatever format you wish. If you only want to rename your files from:




then download: http://2manyrobots.com/actions/Zipaul_Rename_Templates.zip

Unzip the file and import it into Yate by Yate>Import Preferences. Note it is safe to leave everything checked in the Import dialog. Once you've imported the plist file you will have two new rename templates:

Zipaul - Rename to: Album Artist - Title - Year
Zipaul - Rename to : Artist - Title - Year

The only difference is that the first uses Album Artist as opposed to Artist. I like this better as Artist will automatically be used if Album Artist does not exist. If you're interested you can see the contents of the templates in Preferences-Rename.

Open the files in Yate. Select the Files you want to rename. Do File>Rename>your imported template

Note: if you tracks are in iTunes, link to the tracks before you rename them. Yate will automatically update the track locations in iTunes.

If you need more help or if I got it wrong 🙂 don't hesitate to ask.

ZipaulPostDecember 6, 2013, 13:58
Posts: 41
December 5, 2013, 19:18
Very Hot topicRe: Extract Artist and Title from Title

I tried most recommended taggers and Yate was the best and more complete by far. But I find tritag practicle and fast when it comes to my electronic Dj tracks that most of the time don't even exist in Discogs. It does the trick....
But for my collections, i need something a lot more complete like Yate.
I basically tag in 2 different ways: tracknumber. ARTIST - NAME when it comes to albums and collections
and ARTIST - NAME - YEAR for the tracks I use to DJ.
I am going to run the zip and will let you know how I did. Tx

ZipaulPostDecember 6, 2013, 14:19
Posts: 41
December 5, 2013, 19:18
Very Hot topicRe: Extract Artist and Title from Title

Oks....the zip you sent me is perfect for my DJ tracks. But the what I need the most is the one for my collections (not for existing albums as Yate does that liking to disocgs)........but more for the colections I create or download.....i would need to see in my folders: ARTIST - NAME
And if it's not too much to ask, one zip one the uses the track numbers: Number. ARTIST - NAME

ZipaulPostDecember 6, 2013, 14:31
Posts: 41
December 5, 2013, 19:18
Very Hot topicRe: Extract Artist and Title from Title

Tried the zip you sent me on many tracks and it works perfectly. But it takes me 5 minutes to do it while I have it ready in 30seconds in Tritag, as I need the songs in in Itunes 1st.....then take them to yate, link to Itunes and rename. If you want dj's and producers to use Yate (that i DO recommend), that kind of things should be almost automatic. But as a collector, Tritag is useless. But there are a lot more Dj's than collectors. In Europe, over 50% of the kids over 13, want to be dj's. Potential market !!!

ZipaulPostDecember 6, 2013, 14:47
Posts: 41
December 5, 2013, 19:18
Very Hot topicRe: Extract Artist and Title from Title

Woow, the zip U sent me works fantastic. now I can get info on the tracks (if it exists), get the art, and rename it the way I need it.
Please, I need to do the same with albums and collections.......PLEASE could u send me the zips to rename ARTIST - NAME and NUMBER. ARTIST - NAME
Would really appreciate.

2MR2PostDecember 6, 2013, 14:50
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Posts: 2152
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Very Hot topicRe: Extract Artist and Title from Title

The reason it takes so long is because it is updating iTunes! Unfortunately I cannot speed up how iTunes refreshes files. TriTag is not updating iTunes. If you don't mind renaming the tracks while not linked it will be much-much faster. The only issue then is that iTunes may or may not correct its track locations the next time it is run. It is possible, depending on where your files are located (internal drive, connected drive, remote drive) that iTunes takes a long time to refresh.

You can try this by using the templates when not linked. You can always link to iTunes after. If the links in iTunes are broken you can select the files in Yate, and from the context menu do a Link to iTunes then a Refresh iTunes which will correct the links. This will work whenever you change a tag in a file while not linked to iTunes.

The requested rename templates, including track not padded and padded to two digits in at:


After importing the unzipped file, you can see the templates in Preferences-Rename

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