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Extract Artist and Title from Title
2MR2PostNovember 10, 2013, 04:10
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Posts: 2152
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Very Hot topicExtract Artist and Title from Title

Sample action to extract the Artist and Title values when contained in a title separated by " - ".

Download the action here:


The action will not modify fields if the " - " sequence is not found or if the resultant Artist or Title field would be empty.


Initial Title: Lady Gaga - Applause
New Artist: Lady Gaga
New Title: Applause

ZipaulPostDecember 5, 2013, 14:35
Posts: 41
December 5, 2013, 19:18
Very Hot topicRe: Extract Artist and Title from Title

First of all, Thank you very much for the info. I knew that Yate would be able to 2 that instead of spending hours doing it one by one. I already downloaded the action but I don't know how to apply it. Please help. Than you very much. Paul

2MR2PostDecember 5, 2013, 14:43
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Posts: 2152
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Very Hot topicRe: Extract Artist and Title from Title


Unzip the file then 'Yate>Import Preferences' for file: ExtractArtistTitleFromTitle.plist. You will then have an action named 'Extract Artist,Title from Title' in the Action Manager. Select your files which are named artist - title and run the action. I hope this helps.

ZipaulPostDecember 5, 2013, 15:27
Posts: 41
December 5, 2013, 19:18
Very Hot topicRe: Extract Artist and Title from Title

That was quick !!! I am going to do it right away...also wanted to know why when i drag archives songs to yate under the format Title: "ARTIST - SONG", nothing appears. Also need to know where i see my new messages when i post something. Thank you again.....i am new in this.....and would need tutorials. The ones that are posted, stop after playing for a few seconds. And the are not very complete regarding of the settings / preferences of Yate. TX

ZipaulPostDecember 5, 2013, 15:49
Posts: 41
December 5, 2013, 19:18
Very Hot topicRe: Extract Artist and Title from Title

I am doing something wrong.....don't manage to install it. YATE/import preferences....the i untagged all except FILE TO TAG TEMPLATES ......open the zip from downloads and nothing happens. Thank u again for your help.

ZipaulPostDecember 5, 2013, 16:40
Posts: 41
December 5, 2013, 19:18
Very Hot topicRe: Extract Artist and Title from Title

I managed to install the zip. Now the problem is that when i drag the songs into Yate, I only have the time of the song that appears. Not the title as I can see in in the folder or itunes. Is there a setting to make it show and can do my changes ????

ZipaulPostDecember 5, 2013, 16:57
Posts: 41
December 5, 2013, 19:18
Very Hot topicRe: Extract Artist and Title from Title

Also when I choose only 1 song from a folder, Yates imports all the songs. PLEASE HELP !!!

2MR2PostDecember 5, 2013, 17:52
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Posts: 2152
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Very Hot topicRe: Extract Artist and Title from Title

The way Yate opens files is controlled by the Open Mode. When in Album mode all songs in a folder are loaded. When in Playlist Mode only dragged (or opened) files are loaded. The Open Mode can be set from the File Menu or the context menu or from a toolbar item.

If when you load the files you do not see any tag information that you see in iTunes, then the data is in your iTunes database but for some reason has never been written to the files. This happened a lot when files were tagged with older versions of iTunes.

You can fix this by dragging the tracks from iTunes to Yate (set the open mode to Playlist). Once in Yate, select the files that are linked (green checkbox). From the context menu choose 'Import Base Settings from iTunes'. If you want the artwork in the file as well.... from the context menu choose 'Get Artwork from iTunes'.

ZipaulPostDecember 6, 2013, 04:06
Posts: 41
December 5, 2013, 19:18
Very Hot topicRe: Extract Artist and Title from Title

And the solution presents itself !!! That was perfect.....thank you very much. You saved me a lot of hours of work. Have a nice weekend. Cheers

ZipaulPostDecember 6, 2013, 08:02
Posts: 41
December 5, 2013, 19:18
Very Hot topicRe: Extract Artist and Title from Title

New problem: I managed to make all the info appear but it still keeps the original title instead of letting me do it. So as Yate doesn't allow me to rename the TITLE, I can't save the data properly. The data in the main folder is still the same. I need to be able to delete the data in the folder and keep separated the Artist and the name of the song, so i can then use Tritag Tagger and have it just the way I want. Plus, i can't delete the track numbers. I have to do it one by one. So you understand better, I am working with folders that have at least 1000 songs each.......best on 70's.......best of 80's and so on.
I am understanding better how yate works and once I manage to do this operation once, the rest will be a peace of cake. Thank you for your help. Paul

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