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Yate Help

Yate is an application dedicated to people who are serious about tagging their audio ... and video files. The application will tag mp3 (includes mp2), m4a (AAC, ALAC), mp4 (AAC, ALAC, video), m4b, m4r, m4v, flac, aiff (aifc, aif), dff, dsf, ape, wav, ogg (single stream Vorbis and Opus), Monkey's Audio (ape) and WavPack (wv) files. Yate is especially proficient in its handling of the ID3 specification. The ID3 specification describes how tagging information is encoded and interpreted in mp3 files. There is very little in the ID3 specification that Yate does not implement.

Your audio and video files are important to you! Yate allows you to completely revert to your initial file contents and to back out of all changes you've made since selecting files to edit . . . in any order.

Yate allows the linking of files to iTunes/Music/TV, either by dragging files from the application or by using the link menu item. Once a file is linked, you can import or export rating, play count and other information between the two applications. You can even have Yate add new files to the Apple applications, automatically creating the link along the way.

Audio folders and folders containing audio files can have their metadata exported to individual plist files (Mac formatted XML files) or metadata archives. Tagging information can also be imported.

All of your settings, customization and user defined components can be exported for backup or for sharing with other users. This is especially important when defining your own actions which you might want to share with others.

For more information, please read some of the topics found below. Context sensitive help for the current panel that you're viewing may always be obtained by using the Help>Help for Current Context menu item. You can even place an icon for this function on the completely customizable toolbar! Help>Quick Reference provides quick access to commonly referenced help pages. This includes the Help by Menu item which is the quickest means of finding help for the application's menu items.

Access to our forum and to online resoures including sample actions, templates and additional documentation is available from the Help menu.

Happy Tagging!


Getting Started

Mac OS and Audio Formats

Product Activation, Deactivation, Migration and Syncing

What! No iTunes! Changes in Yate for the Music/TV Applications

The Main Window

    Edit Panel Preset Buttons

    Saved Column Layouts

    Column Sorting

    Autosizing Columns

    Adjusting Column Display Attributes

Opening files

The Open Mode ... Controlling what gets opened

The Current Selection, the Editing State, Red Light Green Light and What's With All Those Round Coloured Buttons?

Using Yate with Multiple Displays

What's With the Blue Text?

Multiple Items and Multiple Values

Fields and Lists

The Multi-Value Delimiter, Fields and Application Lists

Custom Fields

Copy and Paste Column Data

Previewing Tracks and Other Files

The Notepad


Import/Export and Metadata Archives

Metadata States


How Actions Execute

File Properties

Inserting Sequential Integers

Automatically Running an Action When Saving Files

Action Pending Window


Data Types



Delaying & Repeating Escape Processing

Debugging Actions

Alphabetic Case Transformations

How Ratings Work

Text Encoding

Escape Sequences

Yate Transformations

Application Settings

Forcing an ID3 Version

Mapping FLAC/OGG comments to fields

Mapping APE tag items to fields

Syncing Settings Between Multiple Copies of Yate

Batch Processing, the Batch Processor Wizard & Data File Processing

The Multi Field Editor

The File Browser

The Combined Credits Editor

The Custom Panel Editor

The Artwork Viewer

The Log Viewer


Copying Metadata from One Album to Another

Rename Templates

Create Move Action Wizard

File to Tag Templates

Interacting with iTunes/Music/TV

Linking to iTunes/Music/TV

Classical Metadata and the Grouping Field




Importing Metadata to Single File Cue Sheets


The Movie DB

Unattended Metadata Lookups


Roon Settings

Special Requirements for tracks purchased from eClassical

Databases & CSV/TSV Files

Yate Database IDs

Apply Track Database Metadata Changes

Query Databases

Synching a Query Database with an Open Database Viewer

Locating Missing Tracks in an Album

Duplicate Identification Using Track Databases

Playlists and Playlist Staging

Manually Installing Required Components


Deprecated Items:

Things you can do, but shouldn't



Help by Menu

Abbreviations & Terms

Edit Panels

Tag Mapping Table

Fields, Frames and Atoms


Functions Affected by Modifier Keys

Action Statements

Escape Sequences

Yate Transformations

Re-encoding Text

Apple Store UDTIs

m3u File Formats

MusicBrainz Cover / Art Types

ICU Regular Expressions (online)

    Regular Expression Metacharacters

    Regular Expression Operators

    Regular Expression Replace Template Format

    Regular Expression Flag Options

The ID3 specifications can be found at: The Main Structure document describes the overall structure of an ID3 tag while the Native Frames document describes the components (frames) of a tag.

Online Documentation:

Renaming and Restructuring Files and Folders

Yate and the P Word



Useful Links:

2ManyRobots homepage


Resources (Sample actions, Templates, Documentation)